Wine: let’s discover its sustainability with Grifo Marchetti!

Wine: let’s discover its sustainability with Grifo Marchetti!

In recent years many business have grown aware of the environmental problem, which is a constant concern for our society and certainly the food sector is one of the most polluting. For this reason it is important to have a healthier diet and buy, as much as we can, organic products. Today in particular we will analyze the sustainability of wine.

Wine is one of the most appreciated products exported from the italian territory. Unlike what you might think, it also has several benefits for the health, obviously if consumed in moderation. The wine contains polyphenols, organic molecules that promote blood circulation and generally benefit the circulatory system. Some recent studies have also hypothesized that red wine helps with gallbladder stones and that white wine prevents rheumatic diseases.

But have you ever thought about the environmental impact that its production has?

When we talk about sustainability, one of the most important parameters that come up is the so-called carbon footprint. This is a data that calculates the CO2 emissions in the life cycle of the product under consideration. The data regarding wine is impressive, the results have in fact determined a carbon footprint that oscillates between 0.10 and 0.13 kilograms of carbon dioxide. A result that puts wine in the first places of beverages with less environmental impact. Just think that beer corresponds to 0.25 kg, coffee to 0.40 kg and milk even counts 0.80 kg.
To better understand this data, it is useful to compare the result to other parameters. For example, 0.13kg of carbon dioxide corresponds to 0.7 kilometers made in the car and 0.07 cubic meters of gas.


We at Grifo Marchetti have at heart the environmental issue and for this we ensure our customers of machines always zero carbon emissions. Take a look at our catalog to find out more!