The harvest is about to begin!

The harvest is about to begin!

Summer is coming to the end, in the countryside the first grapes start to sprout, this means only one thing:
The harvest is about to begin!
October for winemakers is a very important month, as considered the month of the harvest, of the harvesting of grapes destined for the production of wine.
But not only does this event also recall moments full of charm and history.
In fact,the grape is usually pigted, until not too many years ago the grapes were pruned with their feet in wooden vats, a tradition that preserved these characteristics until the middle of the last century.
Grifo Marchetti with the production of his grape machinery keeps this tradition alive but at the same time facilitates and favors the harvest con the introduction of mechanicalinstruments.
The pressing is done with particular wine machines: the pyjamas and the pyjamas.
The pyjamas, together with the pyjama, perform the thinning, that is, they remove the raspis from the pyjamas. The thinning takes place in a rotating drilled cage where shovels (the so-called diraspger tree)rotate at low speedthat push the grapes against the cage.
The juice and berries pass through the holes of the cage while the rams remain inside.
There are roller pyjamas formed by a stainless steel structure that contains various pairs of atoxic rubber rollers that gently pluck the grapes.
The activity of the rollers is adjustable and depends on the characteristics of the grapes to be piling and the type of wine you want to get. It is important that the pyjamas have constant qualities throughout the operation to have a uniform product and therefore a good end result.
Grifo Wine machines in Piadena Drizzona is able to offer you all this, visit the website!
The enthusiasm that guides the hand of the manufacturer is the plus that marks the successful results.