Seasonal fruit: what can you eat during summer?

Seasonal fruit: what can you eat during summer?

June has arrived and with him the beautiful days, the heat and above all… the fruit! A real remedy to face the periods of heat that await us. But, what are the best fruits and their benefits? Read on to find out with Grifo Marchetti!


What fruits to eat and why?

Following the natural production cycles allows seasonal fruit to better develop its properties (such as vitamins) and therefore the benefits on our health increase. Eating seasonal fruit is also a sustainable choice because it allows soils to follow their natural cycle and therefore less energy and less water resources are used. Grifo Marchetti pays a lot of attention to the environment, recently he was also named ” Zero Emissions Company “ for his commitment to green economy.


So what fruits can we eat now? Some of the best summer fruits are:

  • Cherries, beneficial for antioxidant properties;
  • Apricots, rich in vitamin A (useful for the development of bones) and C (essential for the immune system), but also minerals such as potassium that are a cure-all for summer;
  • Plums, abundant in fibers that promote their purifying benefits;
  • Peaches, thanks to magnesium and calcium allow you to keep fit in front of the summer heat;


Grifo Marchetti, after years of specialization in the production of wine making machines and brassicoles, has expanded its catalogue to food products. As for fruit, its proposals are varied:

  • Pitting machines, such as the DENS enamelled pitting machine, which with its semi-professional use also allows kitchen enthusiasts to pitting different types of fruit;
  • Fruit crusher, after using the Grifo Marchetti destoners, to make delicious juices we also offer both electric and manual crushers. In particular, the mul version allows you to chop the fruit and squeeze it to make juices, ciders and distillates;
  • Hydropresses, useful to obtain juices and ciders, without use of physical force or electricity. Hydropresses exploit the pressure of water in order to create juices and ciders;


Grifo Marchetti of Piadena Drizzona, offers a wide catalogue for its customers, who can always count on high quality products. Check out our food products to find out more!