How do you recognize a quality oil?

How do you recognize a quality oil?

Olive oil, the great protagonist of the tables of all Italians, has a very ancient history. The first evidence dates back to 4000 BC, when people began to use the oil as a skin ointment or as a medicine. It will be necessary to wait for the arrival of the Greeks and Romans to witness the real cultivation of the olive tree.

Since then, oil has become an integral part of the Mediterranean diet and dominates the best recipes of our tradition. Over the years, however, there has also been a parallel marketing of non-original oil. It is one of the most counterfeit products because of its high production cost. Olive oil is also in high demand, so to try to follow the great demand, many companies sell colored oil bottles and mixed with beta carotene or chlorophyll to simulate the original product.


How can you recognize the real quality oil?

Grifo Marchetti di Piadena Drizzona is a producer of wine making machines, but over the years he has also dedicated itself to the production of oil. Our machines always respect the environment and guarantee the best quality for customers.


Discover with Grifo Marchetti some tricks to recognize a quality oil:

First of all, always check the labels: it seems like a foregone tip. In reality many consumers do not pay much attention to the details. In fact, in the labels it is important to control the temperature. The olives must in fact be squeezed in an environment that does not exceed 27, to allow them to maintain their unmistakable flavor. The olive oil has a very high quality. In the labels you can also notice other details such as the mill or the farm. These realities are in fact responsible for the production process (cultivation, collection, pressing, bottling) in complete autonomy. As a result, if the supply chain is shorter, it also becomes safer. Speed is in fact a fundamental concept in the production of oil. The pressing of olives must for example take place within 24 hours to ensure freshness.


All the info you need

Very often it is deceived by the color of the oil, many believe that a quality oil must be a bright green. In reality it is not a criterion of unmistakable value. It is in fact possible that the oil loses the bright green color it acquires during the pressing, it is not a coincidence that during tastings the true color of the oil is hidden. However, it is possible to make a generalization stating that usually a dark green color implies the use of slightly ripe olives. While with a color tending to brown the opposite phenomenon occurs with too ripe olives.

You can however rely on its fragrance, if the companies treat the olives correctly, they can maintain their organoleptic characteristics. Then, their scent will feel right away!

Obviously, one of the most important criteria lies in taste. Also in this case some myths emerge (which we have already debunked), for example the pinch often criticized. It is instead totally normal for a homemade oil. Other types of oil, such as oil from the oil mill with a typical fruity taste, still retains a pungent note.

Also, it is good to check the origin. Surely the Made in Italy is a real guarantee, as it guarantees both the correctness in the treatment of olives, both their true origin.

Discover all Grifo Marchetti products dedicated to oil production!