Perfect fruit allied with beauty, health and well-being

Perfect fruit allied with beauty, health and well-being

Fruit as well as being very good is also the perfect ally for our beauty, our well-being and our health.
Let’s discover together with Grifo Marchetti some of the perfect allies and what they are for.
For your youth choose papaya, thanks to its properties it is a perfect anti-aging but not only is it also excellent as: exfoliating, to defeat acne and against redness and sunburn. In fact, it is rich in vitamin C, beta-carotene, flavonoids and many other essential amino acids.

For your line we recommend apricot! In addition to being delicious, fresh and tasty, it is also an excellent ally for your diet; in fact, it is very digestible and has a very low caloric intake, of about 28 calories per 100 grams; so if you are on a diet it is perfect for your afternoon snack! Thanks to the fantastic nutritional properties it enjoys: it is rich in vitamin A and mineral salts, such as potassium, calcium and sodium.
Swollen and heavy legs? Do not worry about this there are red fruits, excellent antioxidants! Cherries, strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, blackberries and currants, are very tasty and delicious and are perfect for preventing degenerative diseases, to reduce the fragility of the capillaries and to improve blood circulation helping to reduce the feeling of swelling and heaviness of the legs.

And finally let’s talk about the apple the simplest and most banal fruit of all is absolutely not to be underestimated! Because it is very rich in active ingredients, including pectin, vitamin A, C, B1, B2, PP and E, beta-carotene, iron and citric and malic acids that protect cells.
So eating fruit is essential for the well-being of your body and for your beauty!
And… if you want to change a little because you are tired of always eating it in the usual way … there are the machinery of Grifo Marchetti! Perfect for preparing your fruit in a thousand different ways!
Discover them all!  Fruit – Grifo Marchetti
Now you have no more excuses! You have to consume it by force!