Filter the wine… How to do it best?

Filter the wine… How to do it best?

With Grifo’s filters!

Filtering wine: what a controversial issue … Yet, the Etruscans, Greeks and ancient Romans filtered it in order to drink it clear, as the nectar of the gods must have been. But what’s the point of actually using filters today?

Among the winemaking practices, that of filtering is used in the oenological field to allow the wine to clean itself of the lees or the residue of the solid parts of the bunch of grapes before being bottled.
This process, which takes place immediately after pressing and the first fermentation of the must, is essential to obtain a quality product.

But when to filter the wine?
The wine is filtered immediately after pressing and the first fermentation of the must, therefore when you want to bottle it, when it is about to ferment and after having pasteurized it.

How to best filter wine?
With the Grifo Marchetti filter range!
Our company located in Piadena offers machines for filtering wine, practical and simple in their operation.

Not only do they filter wine, our filters are also capable of roughing, polishing and sterilizing (using the appropriate filter layers) wines, beers, oils, juices, vinegars, liqueurs, natural essences, products for herbal medicine and cosmetics. .

Discover our products to filter wine: