Eco-friendly machinery: they maintain the naturalness of the products.

Eco-friendly machinery: they maintain the naturalness of the products.

Since 1967 Grifo has been offering on the market increasingly cutting-edge machinery capable of keeping the tradition of “home-made” alive.

Passion, tenacity, but also work and effort are what characterize those who grow their vines every year and jealously care for them to maintain the traditions of the past but above all those authentic flavors that characterize home-made products.
Grifo‘s machines do not aim to replace the hands of the most expert producer, but rather aim to maintain the true flavor of nature, without “mechanizing” the transformation process.

Over the years the company has expanded its product range by also offering machinery for processing fruit or producing beer, always adapting to the needs of the market.
In recent years, in fact, the desire of both producers and consumers to respect the environment, produce and consume less industrial and more genuine food, has increased…

The guiding principle of the company has always been to maintain naturalness and authenticity in the foods that are transformed by Grifo’s machinery; for this reason it has gradually implemented the technologies allowing its machinery to become real “friends of nature“.
To be true friends of nature it is not enough to create machinery that preserves its substance, but it is also necessary to invest in their production, to ensure that their creation does not negatively affect the environment.

The machines produced by Grifo are, in fact, composed of easily disposable materials because contributing, even in small things, can make the difference… Each of us can help nature and the Grifo Oenological Machines company of Piadena Drizzona (CR) has decided to do so; investments and research for increasingly advanced machinery that are powered by renewable sources, are equipped with systems that suck up the dust emitted so it isn’t lost into the environment and are able to create the products that the company offers without polluting or damaging the environment that hosts them, so as to respect the earth at 360 °.