Do you know the differences between craft and industrial beers and the valid reasons to prefer a craft beer over an industrial beer? Let’s find out together!

Do you know the differences between craft and industrial beers and the valid reasons to prefer a craft beer over an industrial beer? Let’s find out together!

With Grifo Marchetti products you can now make an excellent craft beer directly at home!

Now I’m going to list four good reasons why you should prefer a craft beer over an industrial beer:

First of all, craft beers are in most cases obtained with a sustainable production and low environmental impact. So if you choose a craft beer you are helping to reduce energy consumption and waste.

  1. Craft beers contain better ingredients that have a higher quality, are fresher and can be organic and locally grown. In commercial beer, on the other hand, you may find additives such as corn syrup, or caramel coloring.
  2. In addition, craft beers always offer a wide range of choice there is one for every taste!
  3. Finally, each craft beer brings with it a story to tell and enjoy in company.

Now I have convinced you to choose a craft beer?

Well! Then I’ll tell you more! Thanks to the capping machines, and bottle drainers of Grifo Marchetti di Piadena, making craft beer directly at your home will be easier than ever!

To see what it is click here: Birra – Grifo Marchetti

These professional and completely made in Italy accessories will help you produce an excellent homemade beer that you can enjoy with your family or offer to your friends!

In this way you can enjoy a sustainable and organic product.

Now have fun and indulge yourself by creating different flavors to combine with all the dishes you want.

Thanks to the help of Grifo Marchetti products you will get a beer produced at home directly from you to enjoy in company, which will make your moments unique and special!