Color your health!

Color your health!

The fruits are good, this is well known, but which are the best fruits? Which healthy features do they own?

A well-known healthy fruit is the apple. It’s an efficent natural antioxidant, thanks to its flavonoids, that allow us to avoid illnesses as cancer and to delay the process of aging; moreover they reinforce our immune system. The peel of the apple owns a lot of fibers that help to decrease levels of cholesterol in the blood and, above all, to function our intestine. Apples contain lot of calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium.


Even if It’s not a popular fruit, the kiwi own lot of important features. It’s an important source of fibres that help to normalize levels of cholesterol. It could sounds odd, but a kiwi has he double of vitamin C of an orange. Kiwi are rich in lutein, a pigment that is needed to filter solar radiations. This fruit contains lot of folic acid, that allows us to avoid anemia and cardiovascular problems.


As well as they are delicious, strawberries are very healthy. They contain lot of vitamin C useful to decrease levels of cholesterol and to prevent illnesses as arteriosclerosis. Starwberries help to control diabetes, cardiac and inflammatory problems.


Blueberries are excelent natural antioxidants that help to avoid cancer and muscular dystrophy. Besides, they are important sources of fibres that reinforce teeth, hair and muscles.


The pinapple is ideal to improve fat and protein digestion; moreover it helps to avoid water retention.

It contains digestive enzymes that help us to fight against problems such as acidity, indigestion. It is very ideal together with meat or fish. To prepare  milkshakes it’ an healthy habit and It’s also funny! Visit our website and discover our ample range of fruit crushers by hand or by electric motor and follow an healthy lifestyle.

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