Cherries? Find out how to use them!

Cherries? Find out how to use them!

Full of benefits!

Of Asian origin, precisely in the area between the Caspian Sea and the Black Sea, the cherry spread in Egypt since the seventh century BC, then in Greece and subsequently in Italy; around the 2nd century BC But how did it come to our country? Plutarch, Pliny the Elder and Columella attribute the credit to the Roman consul Lucullus who, returning from a military campaign against Mithridates, probably brought it from Cerasonta, the current Kiresun.

In addition to vitamins A and B, we find proteins, mineral salts of calcium, magnesium and iron, and antioxidant substances, mainly anthocyanins, cherries are rich in sugars but with a minimum caloric intake, just 38 kcal per 100 grams, therefore ideal for a low-calorie diet.

Cherries have anthocyanins, powerful antioxidants, making these fruits an important ally in blocking the accumulation of lipid deposits in the arteries and in fighting the action of free radicals. In addition, they are useful against inflammation and pain in the joints. They are also diuretic, help cleanse the liver and promote good sleep.

So why not eat this fruit, which is as good as it is rich in benefits?
You can make a cherry compote!
Grifo reduces the hard work of removing the stone from each cherry, by hand… How?

Grifo’s destemmer allows you to separate the pulp from the stones, completely crushing the cherry, creating a pulp that can be used for jams, fruit jams, distillations or fermentation.

Are you interested? Contact us!