The 2023 almanac: when should you bottle your wine?

The 2023 almanac: when should you bottle your wine?

Let’s find out with Grifo Marchetti
As every year, we respect the tradition of presenting our almancac!
For the uninitiated, the almanac is a calendar that indicates the phases of the moon and helps to decipher its meaning. In the agricultural field, this almanac has a fundamental role as it allows to dictate one of the most important phases of wine production: its bottling.

According to tradition, in fact, the full moon decrees the beginning of the best period for bottling wine. In particular, it is thought that the first quarter is favorable for the most sparkling wines, whereas the last quarter for the sweetest wines. The worst period for this process is the black moon, which lasts about two weeks.
Bottling wine is a process that requires a lot of attention, here are three tricks to help you:

  • Always use dry bottles and of course check that they are perfectly clean;
  • Once finished, wait 24 hours and arrange the bottles horizontally;
  • Keep your bottles in a cool place and without too much light, also to avoid any temperature changes that can ruin all the work;

To make a good wine, it is therefore right to listen to the moon, but it is equally important to have the correct equipment. We at Grifo Marchetti have been working alongside manufacturers for more than 50 years in this fascinating and complicated process. Discover all our machines here!