Crown caps: for beer and more…

Crown caps: for beer and more…

What can we do with beer caps?

Beer is always a good idea, even more so if it is a handmade beer, which respects our tastes and needs.

Making beer at home is not that complicated… But let’s see how to bottle it!

To best bottle your beer and preserve its flavor, all you need to do is equip yourself with a Grifo crown corker, which thinks of everything!

Our various types of corkers have one thing in common: they guarantee effortless capping and excellent results thanks to the particular mechanisms and gears designed by Grifo.

But after bottling the beer, it’s time to drink it too, right?

Oh, yes, you can enjoy your beer whenever you want… And if you don’t finish it you can also rip it back without losing its flavor.

When it ends, however, it is a regret… But above all, what do you do with all those beer caps? Don’t worry: Grifo from Cremona has the solution!
Discover with us some ideas to not throw away the beer caps.

Beer caps can be used to drink beer; such as? By making coasters!
Just find a sturdy cardboard, plywood or cork base. And glue the caps to the base of the coasters with hot glue.

Or you can use the beer caps to give life to candles.
Run the wax into a beer cap and place the wick. This way you can even recycle the leftovers of old candles!

Do you have any other ideas? Let us know, write us on Facebook!